Spiritual and Self-Love Consultant

Yesenia Meditation
Rainbow Sun
Yesenia Head Stand

I have dedicated the past six years to my meditation practice which has given me the awareness that my soul has always desired. The awareness that I am an eternal being that is fully supported by this Universe/God/Creator/Source. When I started tapping into that awareness the outer world started mirroring my inner world. At the beginning it brought on so many changes and challenges, yet my heart rested in peace with a knowingness I had never experienced before. Your intuition and your soul’s blue print can only be discovered and activated by you and for you. These are the exciting things I support you with during a consultation. There are plenty of tools and references I will provide so that you can choose what works best for you. There is no one size fits all. We are unique beings of love that are here to discover what lights us up. Can’t wait to play with you in this game called life 🙂

Gratitude Rock